Make a Speech



Key Message

What is most important message your audience needs to hear?

How can you connect with the audience, what experiences and knowledge can you share with this particular group?

How has your experience on the Lessons from Auschwitz Project shaped your understanding?


Intro, Main Body, Conclusion

Break your speech down into stages. You should begin by introducing the subject, discuss main points and then conclude.

Ensure all sections flow and are linked, and always have your key message in mind!

You can use evidence and anecdotes to bolster what you are saying, but always ensure you are historically accurate and provide sources as necessary.

Mention survivors you have heard from and outline why you think it is important that we listen to those who were there. You can find biographies of many survivors who work with the Trust here

Step 3

Practise, Practise, Practise

Time yourself- around 600 words = 4 minutes (as a guide!)

Record yourself to ensure you are speaking clearly, could someone listen and give feedback?

Look up from your paper, connect with the audience – you will need to rehearse this!

Check your pronunciation of locations, anniversaries, names etc.

Print your speech in a large font and use double spacing, this will help if you lose your place.


Step 4

Share your success!

Email to let us know how you got on and how many people you reached.

Ambassador Tip

"Practice the speech regularly and make sure to pause where punctuation marks are to encourage your audience to take it in.
Print the speech with large font - and follow along with your finger to avoid losing your place.
And finally, be confident - don't directly look at the audience - look slightly above them to the back of the room - so it appears you are looking towards them."


Regional Ambassador