Invite a Holocaust Survivor to Share their Testimony



Why it is important?

Consider the impact hearing survivor testimony had on you. What did this make you feel and what were you able to take from this experience?

Why do you think the audience should hear testimony? Why is this important?

If attendees leave committed to one action, what do you want that to be?


Plan the Event - Speakers

Plan as far in advance as you can. The Trust will need time to arrange for a survivor to come and speak, so please give as much notice as you can. Use our Outreach request form to do this.

You may wish to have additional speakers. Could you even speak yourself? You can add an educational session to the programme, or some reflections after hearing testimony.

Ensure someone is present to facilitate questions from the audience for the survivor. If this is not you, then perhaps a teacher or staff member?


Plan the Event - Logistics

Will the event be online or in-person, if in-person? Do you have budget to pay for the survivor’s travel to your venue, and possible hotel stay?

You will need a venue to host the event. This needs to be big enough for everyone you wish to attend. Think if you need equipment such as microphones, a projector etc.

Survivors can give testimony via video link, so do consider this as an option.

Step 4

Share your success!

Email to let us know how you got on and how many people you reached.

Share pictures of your event on social media – make sure to tag us!

Ambassador Tip

“Don’t be afraid to pester people, send all the emails you can and really put your event out there. Do a little research and find people who may be able to help you. For example, at my university, the chaplaincy and alumni teams really helped by emailing their contacts to let them know about the event.”


Regional Ambassador